7th ISCC



Day 1 : 3-Jun Mon

11:00 Arrival at Shin-Chitose International Airport
Remarks:Please bring your own lunch box before meeting at 11:00.
13:00 Lake Shikotsu Crusing about 1hour Bus
14:00 Lake Shikotsu Visitor Center
15:00 Departure from Lake Shikotsu Parking Area to Obihiro city Bus
18:00 Arrival at Obihiro city
Dinner on your own
Accommodation: Hotel Grand Terrace Obihiro Annex (including breakfast)

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  • Lake Shikotsu Crusing

    Lake Shikotsu Crusing

  • Ikeda Wine Castle

    Ikeda Wine Castle


Day 2 : 4-Jun Tue

9:30-17:00 Meeting Venue: Tokachi Plaza, Obihiro city
Dinner on your own
Accommodation: Hotel Grand Terrace Obihiro Annex (including breakfast)

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Day 3 : 5-Jun Wed

9:00-10:00 Keynote Lecture Venue: Tokachi Plaza, Obihiro city
10:00-11:00 Oral session each 15 min 4 person
11:00-11:45 Poster and Coffee Break
11:45-12:45 Oral session each 15 min 4 person
12:45-14:45 Lunch (Lunch box)
14:45-15:30 Oral session each 15 min 3 person
15:30-16:00 Poster and Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Oral session each 15 min 3 person
17:30-18:00 Conclusions and closure
Dinner on your own
Accommodation: Hotel Grand Terrace Obihiro Annex (including breakfast)

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Day 4 : 6-Jun Thu

8:00 Bus departs from JR. Obihiro Station
Topic 1. Toposequence of soils in Tokachi Plain
8:45-10:30 Pedon 1 (Andosols under windbreak forest on higher terrace) Hirono town, Obihiro city
11:30-12:30 Lunch (Lunch box) Shimizu park or JA Tokachi-Shimizu town
13:00-14:30 Pedon 3 (Gleyic Silandic Andosols at glassland on middle terrace) Shimizu town
15:00-17:00 Pedon 2 (Fluvisols at upland field on lowland)
18:00 Hotel and Free time (Spa etc.)
Accommodation: Sasai Hotel (including dinner and breakfast)
19:00-20:30 Dinner

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Day 5 : 7-Jun Fri

8:00 Bus departs from Hotel
Topic 2. The impact of agriculture on soil profiles and their classification
8:15-9:45 Pedon 4 (Fluvisols in Vineyard on lowland) Ikeda town
10:00-11:30 Pedon 5 (Andosols in Vineyard on middle terrace)
11:30-13:00 Lunch (Lunch box, Option: Wine tasting) Ikeda Wine Castle
13:30 Bus departs from Ikeda Wine Castle
14:00-15:30 Pedon 6 (Andosols with deep-plowing under Chinese yam cultivation) Naka-Satsunai Village
15:30-18:00 Bus departs from Naka-Satsunai Village to Furano city
18:00-19:00 Hotel and Free time
Accommodation: Shin Furano Prince Hotel (including dinner and breakfast)
Furano City
19:00-20:30 Dinner

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Day 6 : 8-Jun Sat

8:00 Bus departs from Hotel to Furano city
Topic 3. Other major soils in central Hokkaido
9:00-10:30 Pedon 7 (Regosols under natural forest) The University of Tokyo Forests (Furano city)
10:30-12:00 Bus departs from Furano city to Takikawa city
12:00-13:00 Lunch (Lunch box)
13:30-15:00 Pedon 8 (Stagnosols under secondary forest) Ornamental Plants and Vegetables Research Center, HRO, Takikawa city
15:00-16:10 Bus departs from Takikawa city to Iwamizawa city
16:10-17:40 Pedon 9 (Anthrosols under paddy field) Iwamizawa Experiment Station of Central Agricultural Experiment Station, HRO, Iwamizawa city
17:40-19:00 Bus departs from Iwamizawa city to Sapporo city
19:00-19:30 Hotel and Free time
Accommodation: Hotel Mystays Sapporo Aspen (including breakfast)
Sapporo city
19:30-21:30 Farewell Party

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Day 7 : 9-Jun Sun

Sapporo city to Shin-Chitose International Airport Train or bus on your own

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